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Best Skin Ever · Vanilla & Raw Honey

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Unlock your Best Skin Ever. A luxurious yet effective formula to protect and replenish the skin's natural lipid barrier. Treat your skin to the sweet infusion of organic whole vanilla beans and locally sourced enzyme-rich raw honey to fortify the skin against environmental stressors, banish free radicals, enhance elasticity, smooth and plump fine lines, and deeply nourish. This decadent blend is designed to infuse skin with enzymes as it plumps, softens, and revives circulatory rhythm to restore optimal hydration and luminance.

Our favourite balm for "slugging" (slathering your face with an occlusive product like tallow as the last step in your evening skincare routineand waking up to dewy, supple skin in the morning. Oh, and did we mention it smells heavenly? Like buttercream.

2oz | 60ml


❋ Ingredients: Dutch Grass-fed & Pasture-raised Beef Tallow, Cold-pressed Jojoba Oil*, Whole Vanilla Beans*, Raw Honey (*Organic) ❋

  • A powerhouse of flavonoids, polyphenols, amino acids and minerals makes raw, unfiltered honey a superfood for your skin
  • Naturally occurring enzymes and antioxidants that fight free radicals, diminishing signs of premature aging, revealing plump, glowing skin
  • Lighten scars and hyperpigmentation
  • Speed up healing of sun-damaged skin and reduce inflammation
  • Suitable for all skin types, especially oily and acne-prone
  • 100% safe for pregnancy and babies
  • Recommended for your evening routine
  • Scent Profile: Ridiculously comforting. Soft and sweet. 
Product Care

Store at room temperature to keep soft and pliable. Make sure your fingers are dry before dipping into the jar. Tallow is extremely shelf-stable without the need for fillers or preservatives and will be good for up to 12 months once opened.

Impeccable Sourcing

Our tallow is of the highest quality. Carefully sourced from a sustainable and ethical farm in the Netherlands who prioritise animal welfare and land stewardship. These cattle are allowed to live outdoors, freely roaming and grazing on grass, as well as all the wild native herbs and flowers that grow on unfertilised, pesticide-free land.

  • Grass-fed and pasture-raised
  • Free from antibiotics and hormones
  • The calves are not separated from their mothers after birth
  • The herd keeps the natural landscape in balance by grazing and foraging
  • Raised, handled and processed using proven low stress, humane practices

Best Skin Ever · Vanilla & Raw Honey


Our ingredients are what we are made of. Each and every ingredient is chosen with the utmost intention to deliver exquisite results. We make products that feel good, with ingredients we feel good about.

Dutch Grass-fed & Pasture-raised Beef Tallow

Grass-fed, pasture-raised suet tallow contains copious amounts of vitamins A, D, K, E, and B12. It is rich in essential fatty acids that help maintain the skin's structural integrity. Its abundant nutrient profile supports the natural production of collagen. It provides anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties, all of which help to treat and soothe dry skin and immune responses like eczema and rosacea. As an occlusive material, tallow mimics the skin's natural barrier, protecting it from environmental and elemental wear and tear and helping retain essential moisture.

In today's world, where sustainability and ethical practices are becoming increasingly important, it's essential to find innovative ways to minimize waste and make the most of our resources. One such approach is tallow skincare, which utilises an often-overlooked byproduct of the farming industry. Tallow, derived from the rendered fat of cattle, has been used for thousands of years as a natural skincare ingredient. However, what many people don't realise is that tallow is typically made from suet, a part of the animal that is considered waste in the farming industry. Most meat-based farms primarily focus on harvesting the meat that people commonly consume. Once these desired parts are harvested, the remaining suet and other non-traditional parts are often discarded. However, tallow skincare offers a sustainable solution by transforming this overlooked byproduct into nutrient-dense balms.

Organic Cold-pressed Jojoba Oil

About 30% of our skin’s sebum (the natural substance that coats our skin) is a natural wax ester. It helps kill germs, smother viruses, and creates a protective barrier for locking in moisture. There are many reasons this protective wax ester in our skin diminishes. Loss is normal in mature skin and common after illness, poor nutrition, as a side effect of certain medications, and following aggressive cleansing or treatment protocols. When our natural sebum production has been compromised and the wax ester depleted, skin can be left feeling and looking dry, tired, and dull.

This is where the golden magic of jojoba comes in. Your skin recognises the liquid wax produced from the seed of the jojoba plant as similar to its own natural wax ester. When applied topically, skin pores remain open, allowing jojoba to penetrate beyond the epidermis layer, carrying other important nutrients with it. It is in these deeper layers that cell regeneration and cell synthesis occur.

Jojoba naturally contains a balance of vitamins A, B, D, and E which are known as skin healing vitamins, as well as minerals like chromium, copper, and zinc, all of which nourish and protect skin from environmental stressors. Essential fatty acids omega 6 and 9 help to regenerate skin cells and repair damaged skin tissue. Jojoba’s wax ester fills the gaps between skin cells, soothes and slows their metabolism and protects skin against accelerated skin aging. Jojoba is naturally antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and hypoallergenic.

Organic Whole Vanilla Beans

There are not many aromas that evoke the instant sensation of desire and comfort, like that of vanilla. Whether the star of the hunger-inducing scent of freshly baked cookies or the seductive fragrance of your favorite perfume, vanilla is treasured by many. The sweet smell of vanilla has been shown to be a highly effective antidepressant, mood enhancer, and health booster due to a component called vanillin hydroxybenzaldehydem. Soothing and harmonizing, vanilla has been shown in studies to help comfort, stabilize, and induce feelings of relaxation.  

This sacred spice has been used in ritual offerings and as medicine and perfume by the Aztecs. This is where the irresistible and hopelessly addicting blend of vanilla and chocolate was born, as the Aztecs flavored their cacao-based drink with this prized, tropical bean.

Cuttings of this ancient orchid were eventually taken to Africa by the French, where now 80% of the world’s natural vanilla is produced. It generally takes three to five years for the vanilla plant to produce any blossoms. Not only does each flower require hand pollination, but it takes many additional months following harvest for curing to occur. Vanilla is one of the most labor-intensive of our ingredients to produce and is now the second most expensive spice in the world (following saffron).

Highly sedative, vanilla helps to reduce skin inflammation and its powerful antibacterial components aid in clearing skin infections. Rich in skin-nourishing vitamins and minerals, vanilla naturally reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Its high content of antioxidants helps protect the skin from environmental damage, ensuring an even skin tone.

Raw Honey

The air is dancing with rich sweetness and a tangible vibration of life. With the hum of fat and happy bees all around and golden light gleaming through shimmering nectar as it drips stickily from the comb, we know we’ve found magic. This magic has been harvested, bottled, and memorialized for centuries, depicted in Stone Age paintings dating as far back as 8,000 years. Revered for its candy-like sweetness and energy-giving nectar, it is equally celebrated for its long medicinal history.

Honey has been used since ancient times to ease a wide range of diseases, ailments, burns, cuts, and skin conditions. Long-ago Egyptians, Greeks, Chinese, and Romans all knew and prized this highly nutritious treat. Honey’s benefits have been widely referenced in poetry and scripture throughout the ages, earning a role in Ayurveda, Buddhism, the writings of Torah, the Bible, and the Qur'an.

Naturally antibiotic and anti-inflammatory (incredible for sensitive and acne-prone complexions!); rich in vitamins, enzymes, and amino acids, this remarkably sweet liquid of love promotes and speeds up the healing and regeneration of soft tissues. Since honey is a natural humectant, it also attracts and retains moisture, making it a must for treating psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, and dry skin conditions.

True skin healing, not a vicious cycle.

Discover lasting moisture with tallow where the more regularly you use it, the less you need—unlike synthetic moisturisers made primarily with water and synthetic emollients that give the illusion of moisture and create a dependency. Our whipped tallow balm deeply nourishes and restores the skin's natural balance, leaving it soft, supple, and radiant. With its minimal ingredients and impeccable sourcing, it's the perfect choice for those seeking a simple yet effective skincare routine.

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